Ulisses Oliveira

995 Posts
IRB Brasil: Fernando Passos, suposto mentor de fraudes milionárias, venceu prêmio de finanças

IRB Brasil: Fernando Passos, suposto mentor de fraudes milionárias, venceu prêmio de finanças

O ex-diretor de finanças do IRB Brasil (IRBR3), Fernando Passos, suposto mentor de fraudes milionárias na resseguradora, foi eleito, recentemente, o melhor diretor financeiro de instituições financeiras não bancárias. As informações são do jornal “O Estado de S. Paulo” e foram publicadas neste domingo (28). A premiação vencida por Passos foi realizada pelo ranking tradicional da “Institutional Investor”, através da coleta de votos entre gestores de fundos e analistas de corretoras de valores. A votação contou com 604 profissionais. O resultado, do ranking que teve como líder o ex-membro da IRB, foi divulgado há cerca de um mês, quando a…
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Investigação apura fraude de R$ 60 milhões na venda de imóveis do IRB

O IRB Brasil Re anunciou nesta sexta-feira, 26, que concluiu uma investigação interna que identificou supostas fraudes praticadas por sua antiga diretoria, que caiu em março, após o ressegurador mergulhar na maior crise de credibilidade de sua história. Em fato relevante enviado à Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CMV), a empresa informou que ex-executivos se apropriaram de cerca de R$ 60 milhões em forma de bônus pela venda de imóveis, além de terem recomprado um lote de ações, avaliado em R$ 100 milhões, acima do limite autorizado pelo seu Conselho de Administração, exatamente na época da polêmica carta da gestora Squadra.…
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Riva detalha tentativa de comprar silêncio de empresário delator por R$ 5 milhões

Ex-presidente da Assembleia Legislativa de Mato Grosso (ALMT), José Riva detalhou à Justiça Federal a tentativa comprar por R$ 5 milhões o silêncio do empresário Junior Mendonça, delator premiado na Operação Ararath.A informação, divulgada pelo site Gazeta Digital, foi exposta por Riva em audiência sobre a compra de uma vaga no Conselho do Tribunal de Contas (TCE). Na mesma audiência, o ex-parlamentar garantiu que “acertava” a vaga quem possuía capacidade de pagar. “Foi realizada uma reunião na casa de uma irmã do Sérgio, que era em um prédio lá na Avenida Antártica, era para expor a preocupação, uma estratégia, eles tinham…
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Tiger Woods’ son is good at golf, but video poses wider questions

Tiger Woods’ son is good at golf, but video poses wider questions

Simply sit, stand or lie in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take in a deep breath, inhaling slowly and all the way into your belly. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly. Repeat for however long you like. Short or long, meditation has the power to change your mood, your day, and even your life. If you’ve never tried a short meditation, why not do it today? You might be amazed at what happens. Several people on Twitter and other theatre kid-dominated social media platforms have responded to these offensive, misguided reviews of The Lightning Thief by demanding…
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There’s a new obstacle to landing a job after college

There’s a new obstacle to landing a job after college

Here are lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences that give something back to you. They show you who you are in a whole new way.” These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need for filling out that card—or stand-alone for your mom’s interpretation.Bob Dyalon At the bottom of the mountain, my legs shaky,…
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Presenting the top 5 most expensive cars in the world

Presenting the top 5 most expensive cars in the world

Here are lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences that give something back to you. They show you who you are in a whole new way.” These eight shots crystallize the hard work moms put into keeping their kids alive, happy, and healthy. They might give you the inspiration you need for filling out that card—or stand-alone for your mom’s interpretation.Bob Dyalon At the bottom of the mountain, my legs shaky,…
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Astrophysicist explains one concept in 5 Levels of difficulty

Astrophysicist explains one concept in 5 Levels of difficulty

With their feet dangling, and amusing themselves–until I stopped them–by throwing stones at the giant mass. After I had spoken to them about it, they began playing at “touch” in and out of the group of bystanders. Among these were a couple of cyclists, a jobbing gardener I employed sometimes, a girl carrying a baby, Gregg the butcher and his little boy, and two or three loafers and golf caddies who were accustomed to hang about the railway station. There was very little talking. Few of the common people in England had anything but the vaguest astronomical ideas in those…
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29 motivational quotes for business and other works

29 motivational quotes for business and other works

Fun, as you might imagine, was not how I would describe this adventure. Awesome? Yes. Fun? No. N.O. No way. But would I do it again? If I could rewind to that moment when the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. to throw on clothes, grab our packs and trek up that mountain, would I? You bet your buttons I would. Here’s lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences…
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Almost on top of the Everest, a picture is worth a thousand words

Almost on top of the Everest, a picture is worth a thousand words

Fun, as you might imagine, was not how I would describe this adventure. Awesome? Yes. Fun? No. N.O. No way. But would I do it again? If I could rewind to that moment when the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. to throw on clothes, grab our packs and trek up that mountain, would I? You bet your buttons I would. Here’s lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences…
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Best Drones for photography and the thrill of flying

Best Drones for photography and the thrill of flying

Fun, as you might imagine, was not how I would describe this adventure. Awesome? Yes. Fun? No. N.O. No way. But would I do it again? If I could rewind to that moment when the alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. to throw on clothes, grab our packs and trek up that mountain, would I? You bet your buttons I would. Here’s lives at the intersection of fun and scary. One of my companions summed the whole experience up perfectly. He leaned back in his chair at dinner that night, shrimp taco in hand, “These are the kinds of experiences…
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